Accessing Shell

Some system commands are not available directly from the FLOware menus.

IMPORTANT: All system commands are case sensitive and space sensitive.

NOTE: Execute system commands by pressing ENTER.

Accessing Shell Window from FLOware Software

When FLOware is Operational

If FLOware is fully booted and the dispenser is homed, an XWindows Shell window is accessible using the menus:

  1. Enter a password that allows system access.
  2. From the main menu bar, select System FunctionsShell. A GPD – XWindows Shell window displays.
When FLOware is Not Fully Operational

If FLOware is unable to finish loading or the dispenser cannot be homed, an XWindows Shell window is accessible from the background:

  1. Access the GPD Global background logo.

    NOTE: If the background logo is not accessiblable, enter a password that allows system access. System access reveals a very small (2 pixels tall) part of the background at the bottom of the sceen.

  2. Using the right trackball button, click on the background logo to access the Root Menu.
  3. From the Root Menu, select Shell. A GPD – XWindows Shell window displays.

Accessing a Shell without FLOware

If FLOware cannot be started, a shell is available during the boot sequence:

  1. During the boot sequence, watch for the message Automatic Dispenser Login followed by a message beginning Last Login.
  2. Press CTRLC immediately after the message beginning Last Login displays.
  3. A message DS9000 Startup Procedure Failed displays.
  4. A $ prompt appears. This is the Shell window.

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