Exporting a Program Tree

To successfully import a program, all the required items for the program must exist either on the dispenser or in the export file. To create an export file that includes all the required items, select the items.

Example Program

As an example, a program named Program to Export is created. The program includes a reference to two vision patterns: one is named Pattern to Export – 1 and is used; the other is named Pattern to Export – 2 and is not used (see Program Header image). The program includes a shape named Shp 2 Export in the detail lines (see Program Detail image). The Program Mounts Table includes a material named Material to Export and specifies a tool named Head to Export 1 and a needle named 25 (see Program Mount image).

The shape named Shp 2 Export includes a reference to two vision patterns: one is named Pattern to Export – 3 and is used; the other is named Pattern to Export – 4 and is not used (see Shape Header image).

The material named Material to Export specifies a tool named Head to Export 2 and a needle named 25 (see Material Library image).

Exporting Example Program

To create a complete export of the above example program that will import without any of the required items already created, each of the included items must be exported. All items required by the above example program can be exported together into a single file.

Open the Export Dialog
  1. From the menu bar in the FLOware software, clickUtilitiesNew Export (see New Export Menu image). The Export Selection dialog displays (see New Export Dialog image).
  2. In the Export Selection dialog, enter a file path in the Export File field. To export a file to the USB drive, be sure the file path starts with /dos/c/ (this is the root of the USB drive).
Select the Program to Export
  1. In the Export Selection dialog, click the button in the Name column left of Programs. The M20: Select any number of Program Names dialog displays.
  2. In the M20: Select any number of Program Names dialog, locate and select Program to Export.
  3. Click the Accept button (see Select Program image).
Select the Shape to Export
  1. In the Export Selection dialog, click the button in the Name column left of Shapes. The M26: Select any number of Shape Names dialog displays.
  2. In the M26: Select any number of Shape Names dialog, locate and select Shp 2 Export.
  3. Click the Accept button (see Select Shape image).
Select the Material to Export
  1. In the Export Selection dialog, click the button in the Name column left of Materials. The M24: Select any number of Material Names dialog appears.
  2. In the M24: Select any number of Material Names dialog, locate and select Material to Export.
  3. Click the Accept button (see Select Material image).
Select the Tools to Export
  1. In the Export Selection dialog, click the button in the Name column left of Valve/Tools. The M22: Select any number of Material Names dialog displays.
  2. In the M22: Select any number of Valve or Tool Names dialog, locate and select both Head to Export 1 and Head to Export 2.
  3. Click the Accept button (see Select Tools image).

    NOTE: Head to Export 1 is required by the program mounts table for the program named Program to Export (see Program Mount image).

    NOTE: Head to Export 2 is required by the material library entry for the material named Material to Export (see Material Library image).

Select the Vision Patterns to Export
  1. In the Export Selection dialog, click the button in the Name column left of Vision Patterns. The M21: Select any number of Vision Pattern Names dialog displays.
  2. In the M21: Select any number of Vision Pattern Names dialog, locate and select Pattern to Export – 1, Pattern to Export – 2, Pattern to Export – 3, and Pattern to Export – 4.
  3. Click the Accept button (see Select Patterns image).

    NOTE: Pattern to Export – 1 is required by header for the program named Program to Export (see Program Header image).

    NOTE: Pattern to Export – 2 is required by header for the program named Program to Export (see Program Header image).

    NOTE: Pattern to Export – 3 is required by header for the shape named Shp 2 Export (see Shape Header image).

    NOTE: Pattern to Export – 4 is required by header for the shape named Shp 2 Export (see Shape Header image).

Select the Needle to Export
  1. In the Export Selection dialog, click the button in the Name column left of Needles. The M23: Select any number of Needle Names dialog displays.
  2. In the M23: Select any number of Needle Names dialog, locate and select Pattern to Export – 1, Pattern to Export – 2, Pattern to export – 3, and Pattern to Export – 4.
  3. Click the Accept button (see Select Needles image).
Perform the Export
  1. From the Export Selection dialog, click the Export button to perform the export.

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